Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy

What is KIP?

KIP (Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy) is a psychotherapeutic technique that is scientifically recognised worldwide. It was developed and researched by Professor Hanscarl Leuner in the 1950s, and his followers have been evolving and perfecting it ever since. Today it is used by psychologists and psychotherapists all over the world.

Active imagery is a very sensitive but deeply healing approach, offering clients the possibility to directly access their unconscious. Various conscious and unconscious conflicts, wounds, painful issues, defence mechanisms, ways of interacting with the opposite sex, life strategies, etc. symbolically manifest themselves through inner images.

At the beginning of an imagery session, clients sit in a comfortable position, close their eyes, and are led into a relaxed state of mind. This activates their natural ability to daydream, which is usually a pleasant experience. The therapist then invites them to envision a corresponding motif with their inner eye (e.g. a meadow), and clients describe what is happening in their daydream. By this process the therapist maintains contact with clients, protects them from excessive anxiety, provides support for further explorations, and encourages them to face their conflicts and to experience new ways of acting and relating, etc. The imagery helps to bring unconscious themes into the light of consciousness, and subsequent discussion then offers clients space to reach their own insights and to come to terms with issues. This integration process is referred to as “self discovery with the protection of symbols”, and through it an inner change takes place, leading to alleviation or even complete healing.
